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Underwater Images |
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photography around the world. Photos of marine life. The wondrous beauty
of the Earth's seas and oceans brought to the surface by Travel-Images.com.
Dive with our photographers and enjoy the unique light and colors of the
deep. Underwater stock photography from for use in publications, websites,
or home and office decoration.
1856 the Englishman William Thompson took to the world's first detectable
underwater photographs. The Frenchman Louis Boutan created in 1893 together
with the mechanic Joseph David in the Bay Banyuls-sur-Mer Underwater Photos
by which he regarded as the true founder of underwater photography. Named
From 1908 Francis Ward photographed for the first time underwater motifs
such as pike, otters, frogs, diving water birds in color with Autochrome
plates - named after him the most important German UW photo competition
"camera Louis Boutan" was - organized by the Association of German Sports
Divers. In 1915 John Ernest Williamson turned the first underwater film.
1923 developed William Harding Longley and Charles Martin, a method with
artificial light over a magnesium flash to capture fish tropical coral
reefs in color. The Austrian Hans Hass, who is considered the founder of
modern underwater photography in 1939 published the first book on underwater
photography. Ten years later, the German company Franke & Heidecke
developed the Rolleimarin, an underwater housing for the medium format
twin-lens reflex Rolleiflex. Constructed in 1957 Jean de Wouters and Jacques-Yves
Cousteau, the Calypso Phot, named after the research vessel Calypso, a
miniature underwater camera that has been marketed since 1963 under license
from Nikon Nikonos under the product. This camera was developed in different
versions, some in SLR technology, to 2001 Nikonos V (KB-camera) or Nikonos
RS (SLR). Since about 1990 there were for various SLR and film cameras
with underwater housings. Specialist providers manufacture complete systems
for digital cameras. With the boom of digital cameras, housings are available
for underwater photography for many popular models. |