Hin Daeng: Juvenile emperor angelfish on a wall - Pomocanthus imperator |
Hin Daeng: Emperor angelfish - Pomocanthus imperator |
Hin Muang: adolescent Emperor angelfish feeding and purple dendronepthya
soft coral - Pomocanthus imperator |
Hin Daeng: Yellow tail barracuda in the blue - Sphyraena flavicauda |
Hin Daeng: Solitary round batfish - Platax orbicularis |
Hin Daeng: Schooling round batfish - silhouette |
Hin Daeng: Schooling round batfish - from below |
Hin Daeng: Schooling round batfish |
Hin Daeng: Schooling round batfish hanging in the blue |
Hin Daeng: Schooling round batfish - Platax orbicularis |
Hin Daeng: round batfish close up |
Hin Daeng: batfish |
Hin Daeng: Specklefin grouper in a hole - Epinephelus ongus |
Hin Daeng: Powder blue surgeon fish - Acanthurus leucosternon |
Hin Daeng: Malibar grouper / potato cod resting on the reef - Epinephelus
tukula |
Hin Daeng: Malibar grouper on a wall of soft coral |
Hin Daeng: Dendronepthya soft coral wall and glassfish - Parambassis
ranga |
Hin Daeng: Red coral grouper / cod in red dendronepthya soft coral |
Hin Daeng: Purple and red Dendronepthya soft coral on a reef and
glassfish |
Hin Daeng: Dendronepthya soft coral wall and glassfish with sun
in the background |
Hin Daeng: Pharoah cuttlefish resting under a rock overhang - Sepia
pharaonis |
Hin Daeng: Cuttlefish with sun in the background |
Hin Daeng: Longnose hawkfish - close up - Oxycirrhites typus |
Hin Daeng: small common octopus - close up |
Hin Daeng: Longnose hawkfish - Oxycirrhites typus |
Hin Daeng: octopus eye - close up |
Hin Daeng: Blue x-mas tree worm - Spirobranchus giganteus |
Hin Daeng: Leopard shark eye - close up - Stegostoma fasciatum |
Hin Daeng: Orange striped Trigger fish - Balistapus undulatus |
Hin Daeng: Red tailed butterfly fish head on - Chaetodon collare |
Hin Daeng: Manta ray - Manta birostris |
Hin Daeng: swimming along a Manta ray |
Hin Muang: Manta ray - silhouette |
Hin Muang: Manta ray over the reef |
Hin Muang: Manta ray and remora |
Hin Muang: Manta ray - head on |
Hin Muang: diver silhouetted against the sun |
Hin Muang: Leopard shark swimming - from below - Stegostoma fasciatum |
Hin Daeng: Giant moray in a crack in the rock- Gymnothorax javanicus |
Hin Daeng: Giant moray in a hole in the reef - Gymnothorax javanicus |
Hin Muang: Yellow margined moray coming to the camera - Gymnothorax
flavimarginatus |
Hin Muang: Titan trigger fish swimming in the blue |
Hin Muang: Red and white sea fan |
Hin Muang: Red dendronepthya soft coral against the sun |
Hin Muang: Rainbow runner hunting small fish - Elagatis bipinnulata |
Hin Muang: Red sea fan against the blue |
Hin Muang: Red and white ornate ghost pipefish on a red fan background
- Solenostomus paradoxus |
Hin Muang: Pair of red and white ornate ghost pipefish |
Hin Muang: purple dendronepthya soft coral and small fry |
Hin Daeng: Purple dendronepthya soft coral surrounded by glassfish
on a wall with a diver silouetted in the background |
Hin Muang: Purple dendronepthya soft coral and red coral grouper |
Hin Muang: Diver with purple dendronepthya soft coral and glass
fish |